Smoking Support

Specialist Stop Smoking Service

Hartlepool Borough Council has commissioned North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and Hartlepool & Stockton Health to deliver a specialist stop smoking service across Hartlepool. The service will be open to the people of Hartlepool and will provide a visible and identifiable access for smokers wanting advice and support to stop. The service will offer face to face or telephone support and will include;

  • Brief advice and information
  • Support to self-help including access to NHS online/apps
  • Signposting
  • Access to vape support + behavioural support (where dual therapy is required)
  • Access to NRT and pharmacotherapy (where available) and behavioural support
  • Access to clinical support, including prescribing, for those complex patients excluded from pharmacotherapy supply via a Tier 1 'Dispensing-only' community pharmacy or similar
  • Signposting to other settings providing vape support 

Individuals can self refer or be referred by a professional. The service is open to all people in Hartlepool  

Contact details;

Telephone: 01642 383819

Online referral form: 

Vape Offer

Community Navigators and colleagues can help a person quit smoking by offering evidence based advice and guidance around addiction and smoking. Staff can support setting a quit date and using a vape instead, with the use of motivational interviewing techniques to help encourage a person to quit and remain smokefree. They offer a holistic approach that touches on lots of other services within Hartlepool Borough Council and the wider Hartlepool Community. The service can be contacted by a professional or by the person themselves wanting support.

Contact Details

Telephone: 01429 272905
