
Our practice offers an eConsultation service which currently operates Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

The usual hours of eConsultation are 08:30am - 11:00am. However, due to the extremely high use of this service we may close this earlier each day.


eConsultations are reviewed by our Care Navigators and allocated accordingly to the most appropriate clinician. 

An eConsultation does not mean an automatic appointment.

 If you are unwell, we strongly advise contacting the practice by telephone and not by submitting an eConsult. eConsultations are not always actioned same day.  

eConsultation service should NOT be used for unwell children. We will always try to make allowances for same day emergency appointments for unwell children when capacity allows.

All fit notes (otherwise known as sick notes) are to be requested via eConsultation. If you are using the service to request a fit note, please ensure you select the 'I want administrative help' option and provide as much information as possible to ensure swift action on your request.

This service cannot be used for routine appointment requests, re-arranging appointments or cancelling appointments. Likewise, if you have been sent a message from the practice to book a routine appointment, you will need to contact the practice via the appointments line. We appreciate that phone lines can get busy, especially on a morning, but this is an inappropriate use of the service.

We do not accept HRT or contraceptive pill requests via eConsult as these require an appointment.

eConsults are a great way to arrange medication reviews. They are care navigated to our in-house pharmacists who will review your medication at a suitable time and will contact you if required to update your review. If you require a medication review please follow this link to complete: eConsultation Medication Review

Please help us to help you by using services appropriately.

To complet a regular eConsult please click here.